These Leg Control drills can be used to help athletes gain more control over their rotation in the boat, as well as increasing hip mobility. They can be useful in warm ups before water sessions, or during mobility work.

1 – Leg Control Drill for the front half of the rotation

As the weight shift between the legs can be problematic for many athletes, this drill starts by taking this out of the equation. It starts from the middle position where the weight is evenly distributed over both feet. 

The athlete moves forward onto the front foot in a controlled way, maximising the rotation at the hips.

The leg should be pulled back to center using the rear chain (glutes & hamstrings) and the shoulders should stay connected to the hips at all times. 

Each side should be practiced separately.  

2 – Weight Shift Minis

Weight Shift Minis are mini rotations around the point where the weight shifts from one foot to the other. 

In the boat this is the point in rotation where athletes can let go of the footrest and leak energy if it is not controlled correctly. 

The glutes should remain engaged at all times and control the leg movement. 

Shoulders always stay connected to the hips.  

3 – Leg Control Drill Full Rotation

Full standing rotations help build control throughout the whole rotational movement. 

Special care should be taken to maximise the rotation at the hips on both sides and the legs should be pulled back through using the rear chain. 

4 – Leg & Rotational Balance Drill

In this drill the standing leg starts out bent then straightens with the rotation. It should stay facing forward throughout the drill as the hips rotate.